COVID-19 Policy
Upon Arrival at Studio
Check in at the front desk & wait to be screened, temperature checked and recorded using a contact-less thermometer gun.
Only students are allowed in studio area and parents/guardians are asked to return to their vehicles once students are checked in.
Any students exhibiting a temperature or showing any signs of illness, including coughing or any flu-like symptoms should stay home.
All students will be required to wash their hands / sanitize before entering their class, so please arrive early.
During Class
Students will change into their dance shoes & leave their other belongings in their dance bags.
Hair should be worn off the face at all times.
Instructor will be teaching in a no contact fashion, using verbal & demonstrative instruction
Masks are MANDATORY and should be worn by anyone entering the establishment.
Cleaning Schedule
Bars are wiped down after each class.
Surfaces and bathrooms are deep-cleaned daily.
Studio is deep cleaned twice a week.