Information & Policy
Dress Code
Ballet — Pink or black leotard, Capezio pink tights, pink ballet shoes.
Tap and Jazz/Contemporary —Any dance attire, Capezio sun tan tights, black jazz slip-on boot, black tap shoes
Male Hip-Hop—Any type of dancewear and sneakers. ABSOLUTELY NO BLUE JEANS
Female Hip Hop – Any type of dancewear and sneakers. ABSOLUTELY NO BLUE JEANS
If your dancer is not dressed properly for class, they will sit and watch as well as take notes during class.
Link to order dance attire: Discount Dance
Costumes are billed in several installments. A deposit of $25.00 is due with registration. Â
Parents are responsible for paying for all costumes ordered. (Even if your child quits after costumes are ordered.)
A recital fee of $45.00 will be due by April 12, 2025, to cover the expense of renting the facility, parent ticket, and student recital T-shirt.
Holiday's & Attendance
CEDA participates in honoring Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Easter, and Memorial Day. We do not close on teacher workdays. In case of bad weather, you will be notified if classes are canceled. As in any area of study, attendance is important. Students are expected to attend class regularly. Please contact the dance director or teacher if your student will miss class, however, we are not responsible for classes missed. Tuition will remain the same. We want our dancers to have every opportunity to “shine” at performances, recital, or competition, so please be aware students missing too many classes may not perform at their best during the show. Please contact us if your student is going to be tardy or absent from class. Students will be asked to observe the class and take notes if they are more than 15 mins late.
Insurance Policy
CEDA does not carry medical insurance for its students. It is REQUIRED that all students be covered by their own family insurance policies. If injury occurs, it is understood that the student’s own policy is your ONLY source of reimbursement.
If withdrawal from the studio is necessary, a written notice must be received to the studio 2 weeks prior to the withdrawal. Failure to do so will make you responsible for full tuition for the following month. No refunds or deductions are granted for classes not attended, or for the month in which a student withdraws. We reserve the right to terminate the enrollment of any student, without a refund, for not abiding by the rules and regulations of CEDA.
Student Conduct
Students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner which reflects positive behavior that is superior at all times. To ensure the safety of each student we ask that there be no gum or candy during class time. In an effort to keep our studio clean and sanitary we ask that students do not touch the mirrors or eat inside the studio. To help maintain a clean dance environment, all students must help keep dance equipment clean and are to re-frame from damaging any property. Students are to be punctual and attend classes regularly. During class time students are expected to pay close attention to their instructor and keep talking to a minimum while instruction is given. To prevent injury we ask that students do not engage in running, playing, or forms of mischief unless instructed to do so, as we still aim to have a fun environment for our students. Safety is of the most importance and we ask that students do not wonder to any other part of the building without parental/staff supervision.